The Australian government has banned the export of protective equipment due to the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, our Australia warehouse will not export any protective equipment, including face masks, gloves, gowns, glasses and goggles, alcohol wipes, hand sanitizers, etc.
If you have already placed an order of the above-mentioned goods in Australia, please cancel the order with your seller as soon as possible.
Due to the special situation, Buyandship will provide parcel return service for those parcels arriving at our Australia warehouse. In order to facilitate you to arrange the parcel return, parcels can be temporarily stored in the warehouse for one month at most. Please note that any overdue parcels will be discarded. When you return your parcels, you can only return them in whole as parcels can not be split for further processing. For any parcel without a return label, members have to directly purchase the label from his or her courier (Please do NOT use any return label of Australia Post). Please contact your seller as soon as possible for the refund of your goods or any other relevant actions.
If your order cannot be cancelled during delivery, we will check the content of parcels, one by one. We will send you an email regarding the follow-up action of problematic shipments if any prohibited item is found in your shipment.
You are advised to contact us earlier if you require a longer storage time for arranging the parcel return of your goods.
Please cancel orders with your seller as soon as possible as we will strictly follow the instruction of Australian Government and the above-mentioned measures from now on. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.