Now go to Zappos for online shopping, Buyandship will reward you with MYR47 shipping credit! Zappos US has over 1,000 brands for you to choose from, and all of them are great deals!
As long as you successfully place an order and share a post unboxing your parcels from Zappos during the specified periods, you can get up to MYR47 free shipping credits if you meet all the requirements!
One credit is equivalent to MYR1, which can be used to deduct the shipping fee for the next purchase. It’s a steal! 🤤! Don’t hesitate to shop on Zappos now💨~
【How to participate?】
It’s super easy to join! You only need to visit Zappos US and place an order to be eligible for the rewards.
Please note that you must purchase Zappos products through this link, otherwise you may not be able to get the rewards.
There’re 2 exlcusive offers that is up to MYR47 credits rewards. Let’s see how to get the offer!
【Exclusive Offer 1】Get 22 shipping credits for any Zappos order!
Duration: 01/04/2022 – 24/04/2022 (“the period”)
Buy Zappos to get free shipping credits! After purchasing from Zappos, you have to declare your item on Buyandship within the period. You need to contact our CS team by sending “Buy Zappos for Free Credits” to get the link for registration.
The link will direct you to a Google Form, please fill in the relevant information correctly and provide the screenshots of the Zappos order confirmation, tracking number and Buyandship declaration form. You can get MYR22 free shipping.
When doing the registration, please be sure the following information is correct:
- Product Name
- Categories
- Product Price
- Product Quantity
- Direct link to the product (*Not the Zappos homepage link)

💡 How to contact the Buyandship CS team?
Visit the Buyandship website, click the right bottom button in the orange, and send “Buy Zappos for Free Credits” to the CS team.

【Exclusive Offer 2】Share your Zappos order to get 25 credits!
Duration: 11/04/2022 – 08/05/2022 (“the period”)
After you receive your purchases from Zappos, It’s no doubt you have to share the happy news with everyone. During the period, you need to share your purchase according to the Buyandship Facebook group “Buyandship Malaysia” requirement, and you’ll be eligible for getting free MYR25 shipping credits. The purchase date must be from 01/04/2022 to 24/04/2022.
Requirements for posting:
- The title must include “Share your Zappos order to get 25 credits!”.
- Product name and introduction: the reason you made the purchase.
- Unboxing photo: Must include a screenshot that clearly shows your order information and its packaging and the product after removing the package. You can’t use the screenshot from the website directly, and the unboxing photo must be identical to the items listed in the order confirmation.
- Purchase link: It has to be a product link, but not a link to the homepage. In case of the product has already been taken down from the shelves, you need to state it clearly in the post.
- Purchase price and price difference: You have to calculate and state the price difference between the same product in Malaysia and overseas. If it’s not available in Malaysia, you need to declare it clearly in the post.
- Order number: You have to state clearly the 8-digits Buyandship order number starting with 9.

Terms and Conditions:
1. This offer is only confined to Buyandship members who purchased Zappos products.
2. To gain the rewards, it is a must to provide a correct screenshot of the order, including the one with the tracking number and Buyandship declaration form.
3. The declaration must be filled in with the correct information and attach the direct link to the Zappos product (not the homepage of Zappos). If the information is incorrect, it will be regarded as invalid.
4. Expired screenshots and unboxing will be regarded as invalid.
5. The unboxing post must fulfil the six requirements, and the Buyandship admin will comment below as a confirmation to get the 25 credit rewards.
6. For those unboxing posts that failed the requirements, they will still be published but the Buyandship admin will not comment, and hence the 25 credit rewards will be given.
7. Each user can only get a one-time reward during the period. If you share more than once, you will not get extra credits.
8. For the members who already gained 25 credit rewards are no longer eligible to grant the monthly 20 credits rewards.
9. The publishing time of the unboxing post is according to the time when the Buyandship admin approves the posting, not the time when members upload the post. In the case of a member uploading a post on 8 May 2022, the admins approve the post on 9 May 2022, and the time of the post will still be counted as 9 May 2022.
10. It takes 1 to 2 business days approximately for the Buyandship admin to approve the post and publish it in the group. Please wait patiently.
11. Credits can be used to deduct the shipping fee (each credit is equivalent to MYR1).
12. Credits will be deposited to your account no later than 15/05/2022. Credits are valid for 90 days and cannot be exchanged for cash or transferred.
13. Credits cannot be transferred to another member’s accounts and cannot be exchanged for cash.
14. Buyandship shall have the right to make a final decision and the eligibility for change without further notice.